all that matters...
in this blog we publish everything that seems to be important for us + everything that - we think- we have to show the world.
artie stuff, serious stuff, funny stuff, silly stuff, and our stuff...
this is all work in progress...first it was supposed to be an art blog...now it also became a start blog for all the creativity we have captured inside ourselves for such a long time...and a support blog for other creative minds...
NaToL video bar
he is one of the founder members of NaToL.
Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008
come under my umbrella

i have new stuff in my store, this one is an example of my german/european spreadshop, come in and use the coupon code!
ich habe neue sachen im laden, hier ein beispiel meines deutschland/europa spreadshops, komm rein und benutze den gutschein code!

Saturday, October 25, 2008
come and visit newnatol at wordpress

Thursday, October 23, 2008
music from the livingroom
check out the new blog from our friend raspoale. he plays the music for this gameplay videos alone at home in his livingroom...awesome!
i also posted a new artlesson @ new natol. check it out!
and i took new chemtrail photos today

Sunday, October 19, 2008
lais / kalima kadara

Friday, October 17, 2008
the web owns me!!!!
RIGHT NOW i´m totally spaced off! i am playing kinda blog tennis with my blogs...while i´m listening to a playlist on another tab and and surfing here and there and copy and paste and write aahhh...;) now watch this:
taken from here

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
the story goes on...

Sunday, October 12, 2008
maybe i´ll need a new location...

Saturday, October 11, 2008
need a new business?

if you listen to kfrc radio on the internet, maybe you stumbled over a commercial spot, like i did...they tell you to go into cannabusiness ! it seems to be a big market...
you can even STUDY how to grow weed!!!

yesterday hamburg / germany 9 am
i will continue taking shots of chemtrails...go here to see another chemtrails related post from us...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
art lesson
M.C. Escher
Maurits Cornelis Escher (17 june 1898 – 27 march 1972), usually referred to as M. C. Escher, was a dutch graphic artist. he is known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs and mezzotints. these feature impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture and tessellations.
click here to view more escher artworx...
the following three examples are taken from there.

an animated comedy short from uphill both ways (san francisco sketch comedy). www.uphillbothways.com
have fun and tell me what you think!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
natascha artworx

except usa, because the us spreadshop hasn´t got the option for GLOWing words...
but then the us shop has such cool t-shirts like these...

spreadshop 1 (europe)
spreadshop 2 (usa, int.)
so go and get ´em :)!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
KITT 3000

Thursday, October 2, 2008
if all goes wrong

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
W T F ????
i´ve also heard rumours about that all the FOR FREE stuff in the net is soon going to be NOT for free anymore...like UBER now...they have a new info-window at the start and what does that mean now? are they going down or not or what...so confusing .
finally it looks like the economy crisis has reached the net...
anyway...if i had to pay fees for everything i do in the net, i could probably not afford it, makes me sad to think about it...lets hope that blogspot will stay for free for a little more time...
UPDATE: the WAIT window only shows up on MEGAVIDEO
UPDATE 2 : UBER survives for a little longer

Saturday, September 27, 2008
goodbye UBER
anyway, this is sad because UBER is (was) a great host.
here is the e-mail i got this morning
it also shows up automaticly when you go there thru google.
so long and farewell
dear UBER team

Friday, September 19, 2008
senora strawberry
her new single SENORA is out on you tube now and her new album LIP DISTORTION will be out soon. for more information visit her at lindastrawberry.com.
have fun :)
dear linda...i hope to see you on tour someday...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
When orange Dragonflies swim.
The heavens sprinkled tears
and I felt age
Listen to the silence of the stones
The river bed of drought
like the love in me
And I swam with the dragonflies
waded into the depths of your eyes
Will you wash all your sin in me?
Will you let me be the dream catcher
to all your fears?
I'm starting to believe
But all the blood from my past
is smeared on my walls
Pictures of mistakes
Not one hand to wave me goodbye
Not one
to kiss away the reasons I lie.
A constructed reality
makes all thats unreal: definate.
This is how I decieve my heart.
This is how I linger.
Constant lipstick stained sleeves
Dancing in the crowd.
fvck with me.
I feel my bones crack
and my muscles tighten.
All I have for wings
is flowers.
by sunflowerdagger

Saturday, September 13, 2008
spreadshirt fall edition

self promotive like we are, i have to show you my latest design in my
natascha artworx spreadshop-usa.
natascha artworx spreadshop-deutschland/europe
you can also see a happy customer here :

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
what is CERN?

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Django 4 president!
♥ natascha :)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
i love how he sets the lights...it is brilliant!!!
and this is about him...
and don´t forget to visit him at easyart.com ! he has a lot of amazing art prints for sale there!

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Häns Dämpf

Thursday, August 28, 2008
and we watched coneheads and recognized that the guy who plays the lead singer in the spinal tap movie also has a big role there...ak ak ak
it was so boring that we got married...
...and the guy who normally sais: "you can kiss the bright now" was a real commedian, it was so funny...

lots of love
natascha and django

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
in the meantime..............................
we will have to wait for Natol to come back so that we can have the vids in the blog, but check this one out, i was there, and it is a great song.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
brandnew @ you tube!!!
clip 1
clip 2
he also plays the bass in our little livingroom-band samstag

Thursday, July 31, 2008
the future is now - dynamic architecture

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
strange helicopter...
django took a walk thru our hometown hamburg and filmed some artie stuff, you will see soon...but this was just there at the moment. he didn´t realize it first, but when we watched his footage, we thought that this helicopterflight looks kinda strange. tell us what you think about it...you can use the shoutbox at the sidebar.
please let us know...thank you

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
chilling ducks

i regret it
written by woolli

Sunday, July 27, 2008
if you are in québec / canada
don´t miss this!
31 Jul 2008, 20:30
6375 rue Monk, Ville-Émard, Québec
Kosten : 5$Soirée Micro Ouvert de LA Voix de la Relève.

so what???
we just found this and we wonder a bit...is maybe everything we learned at school totally wrong???

Monday, July 21, 2008
live painting elephant

Saturday, July 19, 2008
left right wrong
and here a live cover of eleanor rigby...i really love it...

how i draw a unicorn , my second you tube video. it´s such fun...and maybe someone will buy my t-shirts...i have lots of designs in my spreadshops (germany and usa) and you can also buy copys of this drawing printed on high quality art paper and framed how you like it...click here!
i got a message from my spreadshop admi : save 15 % off the prize of all baby and kids stuff from juli 7 until juli 21

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
awesome paintings!!!

i won´t have to tell you, who that is...;)

Sunday, July 13, 2008
chemtrails ??
what is that ?
wikipedia says ....
"Chemtrail conspiracy theory" ????
like the 9.11. conspiracy- or the UFO conspiracy ??
" mom the milk is empty ."
" oh boy , you and your MILK CONSPIRACY "
you know what i mean
of course there are chemtrails
you just have to watch the sky
i have got my own
very weird theory
but first we start with some music
did you watch the sky...
have a look
on our blue planet
with google earth
use the weather feature
and search for clouds..
do you remember that in the past
there have been more
clouds in the sky than now ?
where is the rain forrest ??
i live in HAMBURG
and in the last years
the sun is getting hotter
and when the sun is shining ...
chemtrails are coming
maybe they just made artificial clouds.
if they tell you that life on earth
is not possible without clouds
and that chemtrails are
something like the last hope
for life on earth
would you go to work ?
i dont know it.
but i know that they don´t need
chemtrails to make us sick
they can control us with television
and the fear to loose our jobs .
there is something like a splinter
in my mind....
did he said
-radar system-
are chemtrails
something to make
specials things visible
for a radar system ?
things that all the goverments
want to hide ?
a force bigger and stronger
than the USA or RUSSIA or CHINA ?
we dont know what they want
they are coming and going
and maybe
chemtrails help us to know
and where
they are ............
i don´t know !!
but i don´t want to belive
that my goverment is trying to kill me !!
and now -
a little film from the past
i was surprised when i saw
that film...
you can see a chemtrail !!
there are no lies
there is no truth
that`s all ...
just one question

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008
nataschas first video

Saturday, July 5, 2008
julia nunes
she has a show next saturday!!

anna aquarius

hi folks!
today we´d like to present you another amazing artist from germany.
she´s my sister in law and i finally got her to blog her stuff here on blogspot.
she´s soooo good, i love her paintings!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
what´s going on?
what does it mean that the statue of liberty is sinking into black water...or oil? what will come next?
i think that it´s a great show and it keeps the people talking about them...and the upcoming tour...wait, maybe they tell us the tour dates, when the transformation is over?
when i know that i don´t know...this is when i know why the smashing pumpkins are my favorite band...ahemmm...
...anyway...this is art and this is the net...and i´ll go back there now and have a look around...:)
see ya

Sunday, June 29, 2008
just fun
music by
natascha and django

Saturday, June 28, 2008

besucht mal meinen spreadshop. bis einschließlich 17. juli bekommt ihr eure bestellungen portofrei. einfach beim bestellen den gutscheincode: SOMMERSONNENPORTOFREI ins gutscheincodefeld eingeben und ihr könnt loslegen!
viel spaß!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Anthony Gauthier
don´t miss that date!
27 Jun 2008, 23:00
21 Chabanel Ouest, Montréal, Québec
Costs : 5$
Soirée Micro Ouvert de La Voix de la Relève!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
music music music
♥ ya all

Sunday, June 22, 2008
HAMBURG germany
if you want to
explore hamburg
you have to do it
by the
don´t do it like
those hamburger dudes
they don´t use the U- BAHN
that is the
U-BAHN view
you can also use a bike
to explore
and that..
and when i say BIKE
in hamburg
i also have to say
it is true
every year
have a ride
is a paradise
and we have got
a lot of water
in hamburg
so have a nice
this is a
but sometimes
go to the
that is like living in hamburg

Friday, June 20, 2008
friday - celebration day

Thursday, June 19, 2008
der blaue engel uncut version
you´re the cream on my coffee...mach dir ´n schönen kaffee und schau mal rein bei coffeecups!

picture i took

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
lauf nicht so schnell
the first song of the NaToL houseband SAMSTAG.
text & idea by django
synth by spolka
bad singing by django and study
the vid is done with google earth...come on...take a trip thru our hometown hamburg!

Monday, June 16, 2008
bon jour Quebec

another week is beginning but i know you are all looking forward to the weekend.
i have a special earcandy for you people in quebec. today i´d like to present you Anthony Gauthier
he will play a few shows in the next days, the first one is on this weeks thursday, so don´t miss it:
19 Jun 2008, 21:30
6375 rue Monk, Ville-Émard, Québec
for only 5$
Soirée Micro Ouvert de La Voix de la Relève. 10 artistes jouant 3 chansons chaque.
and if you have no chance to see it (like i), listen to the music of this young dude at reverbnation or on my space.
see ya ;)

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Do we need a brain ?
yes it is true
controls you
we have to know
what controlls us
and more
our brain
our brain
tricks us
try this
weird stuff...
it is time to visit
before you get
a brain damage...
yes we need a brain !
what will happen if we don`t use our brains ?
ok ....we can have a better sleep
maybe we can work better ?
i don`t know
i sold my brain on E-BAY
for five dollars.

Friday, June 13, 2008
wort hamburg

Word Alert ist ein Spoken Word Poetry Kollektiv aus dem Rhein-Main Gebiet und besteht aus den Poeten Dalibor, Telhaim & Ken Yamamoto. Das Kollektiv wurde kurz vor dem German International Poetry Slam 2007 gegründet und erlangte dort den Vize-Titel im Teamwettbewerb. Die 3 Poeten sind seit Jahren als Solokünstler auf deutschen Slam-Bühnen unterwegs, nahmen an Slam-Formaten wie Poetry Dead or Alive oder Boxslams teil, waren auf zahlreichen deutschen und internationalen Festivals (ua. Bolzano Poesia, Augsburg Brecht Connected, Roma Poesia, Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin) zu Gast und wurden in der Poetry Slam Reihe des WDR gefeatured. Word Alert benutzen in ihren Stücken Elemente wie BeatBoxing, Raps/Freestyles, Spoken Word Poetry und Gesang. Jede Show ein experimenteller Genuss und am Freitag, 13 Juni bei Wort Hamburg zu Gast.
Word Alert am 13. Juni 2008 um 21 Uhr in der China Lounge Hamburg

friday 13th
shit happens...
we hope you all take a special care on this friday 13th...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
music by STUDY
this is a first step in music video making from django. he took the game JUST CAUSE and recorded the gameplay. the music is from STUDY. he made it with his PC and he is a member of the NaToL houseband SAMSTAG.
...have lots of fun

Sunday, June 8, 2008
is the world flat ?
i was in search of a bible quotation
that says that the earth is flat...
or the other quotation that says that the earth is in a box or tabernacle...
i wanted to explain you in biblequotations that the earth could be a disc indeed
or more concret
on a disc
-on a disc inside a box
yes i´m talking about a dvd or cd or blue ray disc
just like google earth is a world on a hard disk drive
and we have an endless count of different worlds in the video game section...
so now...at first...
do you like it a little bit harder
maybe our minds are
we should think about it
and now listen to
those wise dudes
they have allready travelled
trough the dimensions

CONTEST for best web sites

if you want to vote for the sites on the contest got to here.
all the info about this contest is on the contest sign page so have fun and may the best site win.
also hurry, the sign up ends at june 13th...so join before it´s too late and enjoy the contest.

Saturday, June 7, 2008
bum da da V
seht mal genau hin...ist sozusagen der verschnitt des soma clips von django...
look closely...it´s the fun version of djangos soma clip...

bum da da 4,5
dies ist der viereinhalbste teil der bum da da serie unseres geschätzten hausregisseurs django.
dieser teil ist das bindeglied zwischen bum da da IV und bum da da V ...
this is the fourandahalfest part of the bum da da series from our moviemaker django.
this part is the missing link between the bum da da IV and bum da da V ...

Friday, June 6, 2008

another flower picture
here is another pic of a flower for your viewing pleasure. i took this pic in florida. hope you like it.

endlich freitag!!!! / finally friday!!!
ich suchte gerade nach einem youtube clip von dem film SPUN und fand dieses schöne video...
und gleich noch eins...
...also leute...lehnt euch entspannt zurück...und dreht die mukke auf...

Thursday, June 5, 2008
really creepy accesories

heute möchten wir euch really creepy accesories vorstellen. die künstlerin, die diese coolen sachen entwirft und herstellt habe ich gerade bei my space entdeckt. zu ihrem sortiment gehören ohrringe, haarschleifen, anstecker, handyanhänger, armbänder und ketten.
ein paar beispiele zeigen wir euch hier
und wer mehr sehen möchte, sollte sich diese seite ansehen.
in naher zukunft steht noch die eröffnung eines webshops an, wenn es soweit ist, werden wir euch den entsprechenden Link posten.
check out really creepy assecories, she has cool stuff: earrings, ribbons, pins etc...
next to come is a webstore. we´ll keep you up to date...
*the images are published with the friendly permission of the artist.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
one winged angel

Sunday, June 1, 2008
brave new world
this book still inspires a lot of artists
like Iron Maiden
1984 was yesterday
How did they do it?
Maybe with a little help of SOMA
this is not the future.....
but this
and after brave new world?
last man is fighting against himself
I dont know
I dont want to know

Saturday, May 31, 2008
für leute mit eigenem kopf