all that matters...

in this blog we publish everything that seems to be important for us + everything that - we think- we have to show the world.
artie stuff, serious stuff, funny stuff, silly stuff, and our stuff...

this is all work in progress...first it was supposed to be an art it also became a start blog for all the creativity we have captured inside ourselves for such a long time...and a support blog for other creative minds...

NaToL video bar

the little clips you can also see on you tube , are created by django cherubimu to entertain YOU!!!
he is one of the founder members of NaToL.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


here is some of the tattoo's that i have done in my shop, unless noted i am the artist who did the work
gargoyle- bullet
tribal bird cover up- bullet
fairy- shadoe (on bullet's leg)

Tanz in den Mai

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hamburg Rock City

indie aus hamburg


Monday, April 28, 2008

Das Steckenpferd

hallo leute
...heute wieder etwas aus der reihe:
unbekannte talentierte menschen...
damit sie nicht unbekannt bleiben,
machen wir hier den versuch,
eine plattform zu bilden,
auf der sie ihre kunst zeigen können...

wer handarbeit, qualität und liebe zum detail schätzt, sollte sich
pippilottas blog anschauen...

♥ viel spaß...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

sunday sunday

well, what to say about sunday, it is rainy here in my neck of the woods,

and it reminds me of a song that i like, you might also it is by guns n roses

november rain

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain
We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain
But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away
If we could take the timeto lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain
Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you
Sometimes I need some time...on myown
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone
And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way'
Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain
Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

even though it's not november, it is raning........


hey ho...our first request is over and these are the results:

58 % fun
91 % love
50 % destiny
16 % money
25 % luck
25 % satisfaction
0 % nothing
50 % family & friends
50 % creativity
25 % peace
66 % our little online magazine here

so, most important for you is love and less money...and zero votings for nothing...but i was surprised that only 25 % of you find that peace matters to you...

thanks to the 66 %

♥ natascha

strange fruit samstag hatte ich mal ´ne digicam zur hand...diese wundersame frühlingsblüte hier musste ich euch zeigen...

videobar 2

die videos sind nicht mehr verfügbar, deswegen nehmen wir die zweite videobar von schneesonne wieder aus dem programm. wir haben keine ahnung, was hier abgeht...alles sehr mysteriös...die links funktionieren nicht mehr und der blog ist auch verschwunden.

the vids are not available anymore, that´s why we take the second video bar from schneesonne out of our program. we have no clue what´s going on here...very mysterious...the links don´t work anymore and the blog disappeared.

sorry party people...
♥ natascha

Friday, April 25, 2008


Wundervolle Musik!
Diese Band ist schon laaange im Geschäft, aber hat es nie geschafft groß raus zukommen......leider.
Schönes Kino!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

the darkness of a sunny day

Written songs that no one ever sings
Every hour of the day
the sun rays are changing colors
Every moment
we can dance in the rain showers
one confetti rain fall
Sitting on a box of clouds
Smoking away some days
Always curious of the faces
behind the walls
The wall of Faitour smiles
Come one, to be small
I rush away from the moon
Because I feel you
I feel my heart bursting
Splattered love all over
I thought I saw rain drops on the floor
Your eyes the clouds
Don't hurt anymore
Even when rivers run dry
When there's darkness
Beside the light
One final battle
The red stained shadows
Black stained souls.
Peace is now a fashion statement.
No longer the strength
The claw on the run
swooping down on innocent prey
The secrets silence sells

written by sunflowerdagger

this artist writes beautyful poems which i have to show you, because it me

;) and the pic is from me

see you

ghost story

well, i am in the middle of maybe reworking the story, so if anyone out there is reading it, it will be a couple days before i post a new part of the story. i hope you are enjoying it so far.

well much love to all the party people out there!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

say hello before you say goodbye...

hey party people, it´s mid-week-time and as you see, we have a second video bar...i really don´t know why it disappears sometimes...must have something to do with the secret about the artist...because i really don´t know what i should think of her...she doesn´t want to say something here...ok, maybe she´s just shy. but if you see: she did a new recording maybe we´ll have to tease her a bit...

the new song is called "bye"...


Und hier habe ich eine Einladung per E-Mail bekommen die ich gerne an Euch weiterleiten möchte.

Falls Ihr also in Hamburg wohnt oder ein paar Tage auf Urlaub da sein solltet, dann schaut bei der Ausstellung mal rein!

Ist übrigends eine total schöne Bar und der Milchkaffee inkl. Kuchen ist auch lecker!

(Habe ich schon vorab aus Neugierde getestet.......)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


today we´d like to introduce you to a very talented artist named schneesonne. maybe she´ll introduce herself later...;) and until then you can watch her clips at the sidebar...see you ...♥


it is tuesday once again, and in celebration of it being tuesday i thought another piece of a story was in order!!

here we go, the next part of the ghost story

She grabbed out her phone and flipped it open.
“Joyce, hi. How did you know I was here already?”
“Well I called your phone a little while ago and got no answer, so I tried the realtor’s office and she said that she had just left you at the house.”
“She is strange, she practically threw the keys at me and ran. I am supposed to meet her in the morning to sign the paperwork.” Lucy said as she rounded the stairs.
“Well, I might know why she ran so fast.”
“Oh yeah, why?”
“After I talked to you yesterday I called the realtors office to let them know what time you would be there, and the secretary told me the house is haunted.” Joyce sounded amused.
“Haunted, that is silly. This house is not haunted, it is beautiful, and Joyce you have got to see this place. When are you coming out?” Lucy stood in the upper landing before venturing into the bedrooms.
“I have to get all of the paintings packed up and delivered, and then I will be out.”
“I can’t wait, but um, Joyce I am gonna go, I will see you in a few days, ok?”
As Lucy closed the phone she walked into the smaller of the 3 bedrooms, it would make a nice geust room, unlike the downstairs this room was not furnished. Lucy was looking forward to buying new furniture. The second bedroom had the upper part of the tower, and as the first was unfurnished. As Lucy started across the hall to the master bedroom she stopped. She thought she heard someone say her name, but decided it was only the wind. The master bedroom was huge, and was surprised to find the room full of furniture. A huge 4 poster bed sat in front of a window looking out onto the property, and a dressing table stood in the space between the door and bathroom. A small couch was by the other window in the room and a table next to it. The bathroom was almost as big as the bedroom, with a walk in closet.
“Shoot, I’ll have to buy more clothes to go in here.” She smiled to herself. As she turned to go back into the bedroom she saw a woman standing by the bed, Lucy screamed and put her hand to her chest, “Oh geeze, you scared me.” She panted.
“Sorry Ms. Peppermill, I didn’t mean to startle you. I called your name out from downstairs.”
“Oh, I thought I was imagining that, sorry, you must be Mrs. Collran.” Lucy greeted the older woman.
“Yes, I can come everyday to help with the cooking and cleaning, if you like. If not I will just come to tend the garden and greenhouse.”
“Oh, well, since it is just me here, I don’t think there will be much cleaning to do, but I would enjoy the company.” Lucy smiled.
“Alright then, would you like a sandwich?” Mrs. Collran asked.
“Uh sure, but I haven’t bought any food yet.” Lucy answered.
“Dear, I do all the shopping, and I thought to stock up on a few things before you got here, I know how it can be after a long trip.” The housekeeper said as she started down the stairs.
“That was nice of you, but I will pay you back for that.” Lucy tried to keep up with the small woman.
“Think nothing of it, dear. But if you like from now on, I’ll let you pay for the groceries,” Mrs. Collran smiled at Lucy as they walked through the family room.
“Yeah, that’d be ok.” Lucy laughed. As Lucy sat down in the breakfast nook she again smelled the flowers from the greenhouse.
“Mrs. Collran, did you plant all those flowers?”
“No, Mr. Karo did. He lived here with his wife about 100 years ago.” Mrs. Collran said as she opened the refrigerator.
“100 years ago, this house doesn’t look that old, and if Mr. Karo built the house, why is it called Formont House?.” Lucy said, shocked.
“No, it has been remodeled through the years, but the greenhouse has never been touched. Formont is the maiden name of Mr. Karo’s wife, and the name just stuck I guess. This house has seen so much. My grandmother worked here as a child, until she died, my mother did also. This house is in my blood. I love it. Even if I didn’t get paid to be here, I would be here.” Mrs. Collran handed Lucy her sandwich and sat next to her.
“Wow, this place must have a lot of history. Oh thank you.” Lucy said as she took the sandwich and was trying to figure out how to approach the subject of the house being haunted as she took a bite.
“Well, that it does, and some people think it is haunted.” It was like the housekeeper read her mind. “A lot of people from around here say that, just because the house has changed hands so much, at least since Mr. Karo died.”
“Really, “Lucy finished her bite and went on, “cause I don’t believe in ghosts.”
“Me neither dear. I will let you finish your lunch, I am going to water the flowers.” Mrs. Collran went into the greenhouse and Lucy was left with her thoughts.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hamburg Rock City

hallo freunde,

wer von euch mal nach hamburg kommt (oder dort wohnt) , sollte auf jeden fall mit frau hedi im frühling auf der elbe schippern.

was ´n das? zweierlei: frau hedis tanz kaffee auf der barkasse hedi und frau hedis landgang am neuen pferdemarkt 3 in hamburg st.pauli.

beide locations sind absolut elbshocking!!!

und jetzt dank klimaerwärmung mit noch mehr wasser!!!
-der spruch ist leider nicht von steht auf dem flyer... ;)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Zeitlose Mode

Ich persönlich finde, dass die 30er und 40er Jahre eine unglaublich zeitlose Mode hervorgebracht haben. Noch bis heute greifen Designer immer wieder gerne nach Stilelementen aus diesen Jahren und warum auch nicht?
Gut, es ist eher eine feminine Mode gewesen und natürlich steht das nicht jedem, aber es kommt ja auch immer darauf an wie und mit was man es kombiniert. Da muß frau eben als Frau auch mal ein bisschen aktiv werden und sich nicht immer alles vorschreiben lassen von den Massenshops wie H&M! Frau sieht irgendwas, kauft die Outfits billig nach und kreiert keinen eigenen Stil mehr! Wo bleibt bei euch Mädels die Fantasie? Seit ihr alle faul geworden?
Wenn ihr mal etwas anderes ausprobieren möchtet, etwas das zeitlos ist und sich immer wieder anders kombinieren lässt dann schaut mal bei rein oder in ihrem DAWANDAshop unter

Das Mädel habe ich vor kurzem bei einer Ausstellung entdeckt und mir gleich den Namen gemerkt, bzw. den Flyer eingepackt.

Achja, sie macht auch nette altmodische Acessoires (Haarspangen, Taschen im alten Stil etc.) und ich habe ein Foto ihrer Schlafbrillen aus dem Internet gezogen (seht ihr als Anhang).

Ich persönlich habe mir Haarspangen und einen Rock bei ihr gekauft (die Haarspangen sieht man nur im Dawanda Shop)

Einfach mal stöbern gehen!
Viele Grüße von Elna

Friday, April 18, 2008


hi, this is my first blog over here and i thought that i would put the first little bit of a story i am writing, it doesn't have a proper title yet but i am using a working title of "Ghost Story" -- so here is a bit of it.

The white house stood at the end of a long dirt driveway. Lucy slowed to take in Formont House, it was beautiful, and now it was all hers. The willow trees that stood sentry on the sides of the house swayed in the slight breeze. She could just see the beginning of a garden out back, and the furniture on the porch looked so inviting. She tried to see where the property ended, but the thick forest beyond the green yard seemed to go on forever. The stark white of the house stood out against the blue of the sky, and she couldn’t wait to see the inside.
As Lucy parked the car in front of the house, she saw a small red sports car off to the side and the realtor waiting for her in the doorway.
“Lucy, I am so happy to meet you,” she greeted Lucy as she walked up the front stairs.
“Mrs. Craig, it is nice to meet you too.” Lucy held out her hand, and found instead of a hand shake, they keys to the house dropped in her hand. Surprised she looked at Mrs. Craig.
“Well, dear, I am in such a hurry, um, do you want me to give you a tour?” Mrs. Craig smiled, but seemed not to want to stay.
“No, that is alright, I think I can find my way around, what about the paperwork?”
“Oh, the paperwork, well I thought we could do that down at the office, I will give you a tour of the town tomorrow, that way you can see what we have here. But I am in such a rush, I am really sorry.” Mrs. Craig walked down the stairs and over to the side where her car was parked.
“Ok, that sounds fine.” Lucky called out to her.
“And Lucy, Mrs. Collran will be here soon.” Mrs. Craig yelled as she was closing her car door, “she is the housekeeper; she is paid by a trust and will come to help you get settled in.” With that the small red car pulled out of the driveway.
“Strange lady,” Lucy said to herself as she walked through the open doorway, the stairs stood in front of her, and an arched doorway to the left of it. The family room was large with an enormous fireplace. She made her way around to the kitchen and noticed that it had been updated recently, maybe to help with the sale. And through the kitchen was a small walkway to a greenhouse, there were so many flowers, the heat and sweet smell hit her like a wall. She decided to save the greenhouse for last. The opposite wall held a door to the dining room, and parlor, both of which had furniture already. Lucy sat on the couch and looked through the window out into the forest, not beliving that she actually was in her own home. Deciding to explore the rest of the house she found the den across from the stairs, and as she waked up the stairs Lucy flet her purse start to move. She grabbed out her phone and flipped it open.

little mermaid

little mermaid

ist eine acryl-collage auf leinwand.
es entstand im januar 2008.
das bild hängt bei einer freundin in der nähe von hamburg.
das motiv war ein foto aus dem playboy.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


So, nun mal ran an die Buletten...